Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm gonna miss this so much!

We took the tram to a random part of town tonight. After walking around forever (it always seems to happen that way), we found a restaurant and had a really cheap dinner that was amazing! I had penne pasta with mushrooms and spinach in a gorgonzola sauce. Nick had spaghetti bolognese. It was good to get away from the middle of town.

On the tram ride back, we stopped at an exit where a coffeeshop caught Nick's eye. It was so cool! I wish we had purchased all day tram/bus passes while everyone was out here. The center of town is such a hole, and it's fun to take the tram to random places!

Oh yeah, so that coffeeshop...it had 3 pool tables and a foosball table. It was really spacious in there, and all of the seating tables were really big. It would have been another great place to go with everybody if we had tram passes.

I really want to come back here again, but I know it will probably be a long while before we do this trip again! It was amazing, though. Everything worked out exactly as it was meant to. I love the Netherlands!!!!!!!

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