Monday, February 23, 2009

Wax On, Wax Off

I am so happy Nick is feeling better today! We got some medicine from the pharmacy, and he looks and sounds a lot better now. Madame Tussaud's was really cool, and we took a lot of cheesy pictures. I'm just going to make this another picture post.

Touristy picture

Who's got the munchies?



The bacon out here tastes more like ham.


My new jacket:

Cool view from the wax museum:

We jammin'

We're bringing sexy back

No idea who these little pink chicks are

Yo Mona Lisa

All the single ladies!

j.lo bootay

This fry stand is the most popular. You can see why. NOM.


  1. Is that a cast of J-Lo's ass?

    Freaky deaky Dutch! (And before you tell me that Amsterdam probably isn't Dutch, I don't care!!!)

    'Cause I don't fucking know!

    Also, I know why YOU like those fries!

  2. Amsterdam is totally Dutch! People tawk funny out here when they aren't speaking the English!

    Yes, that was J.Lo butt!

  3. I *love* all of the pics at the wax museum - especially Nick & Beyonce. I also *heart* the one of you in the little wooden shoe. Awww.

  4. The wax museum looks fun! I like Nick and Jlo!
